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Coffeehouses - Skanderborg-Odder-Samsø

company overview of the region Skanderborg-Odder-Samsø

This list shows all registered entries of the branch Coffeehouses from Skanderborg-Odder-Samsø.

3 entries found. - Display in city map

Thunø Kro - Gårdcafe og gæstgiveri

Honest food of fresh organic products

Tunø Hovedgade 20
8799 Tunø
Tel.: +45 8655 3030

Thunø Kro, is a restaurant, wine shop, cafe and guesthouse of an unusual kind. The food is ecology with fresh local produce, as we get delivered every day. We prefer long time cooking for catering and the service is unpretentious and enjoyable. So whether you are sailing, on a day trip or a memorial, Thunø Kro is definitely worth a visit.

Cafe Skuden

Søndergade 19
8300 Odder
Tel.: +45 6141 5274

Café Pakhuset

Banegårdsgade 5
8300 Odder
Tel.: +45 8780 3386